Meet the Team

  • Black and white portrait of a person wearing glasses and looking away, in an outdoor setting.

    Rodrigo Cokting


    Rodrigo is a freelance writer and editor that loves watching movies, cooking Peruvian food and reading comic books. He spends too much time on Twitter, but one day will stop tweeting and start writing his original graphic novel.

  • A black and white photo of a person with glasses, dark hair, and wearing a dark shirt, sitting with arms crossed.

    Rafael Cordero


    Rafael Cordero is an assistant director in the Toronto Film And Television Industry for the last six years. In and out of sets and studios; Rafael has been working on his own scripts and passion projects throughout the years.

  • Person with glasses savoring a piece of food, likely a cookie, in a kitchen setting. Black and white photo.

    Jordan Sloggett


    Jordan Sloggett works in Marketing & Communications and lives in Guelph, Ontario. Aside from movies and television, he enjoys tackling DIY projects around the house, crafting, video games and occasionally escaping to the woods to go camping.